

The objective of this page is to update our position as often as possible, this is obviously dependant on internet access. We have advised our children and close friends, our plan is to keep this page at least one month out of date so they do not know our true whereabouts!

Route Listing 2018 Summary

This year (2018), our drive from the UK to Sailaway in Sardinia saw us taking 11 days to cover 1453 miles - again a fantastic trip, lots of good memories with our friends! The return trip back to the UK will be as fast as possible for a number of reasons, predominantly Kevin's medical appointments. We have kept our flat on until we return in February and discover our options with regards to Kevin's spine. The Christamas period aboard Sailaway is the first for a number of years!


Please use the following links to join us with our travels both by road and sea:


Over land from the UK to Carloforte, Isola de San Pietro, SW Sardinia. (27th November till 8th December).








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